His Name is Yeshua


But it’s ok if you want to call him Jesus…

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Are you feeling tired, worn out, or even depressed about everything going on in the world?

Do you feel like you’re drowing in problems that there is no escape from?

Then softly whisper this outloud … “Yeshua, Save Me”

You don’t have to say it over and over and over, just once is enough…

but believe, even if its just a little bit,

believe that there is a higher power who heard your whisper

and has the power to change your life

simply because you acknowledged his existence by asking him for help.

His Name is Yeshua

and in Hebrew, his name literally means ‘Salvation’.

King of Kings

Lord of Lords

Creator of the Universe,


Be Curious.

Learn More About

Who is Yeshua?



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